Pine Disorder – Dothistroma

What is Dothistroma Needle Blight? Dothistroma Needle Blight causes needle spots, discoloration, and substantial needle loss in heavily infected areas. Austrian Pines are particularly susceptible, though the disease also attacks Mugo, Ponderosa, and perhaps other species of Pine. What are the symptoms of Dothistroma Needle Blight? The first symptom is scattered spots, varying in color from…


Our Air Spade Services

What is the Air Spade? A new essential tool in tree care is a pneumatic device called the Air Spade that utilizes compressed air to safely and efficiently break up difficult/compacted soil… Accessing root systems with an Air Spade is done for a number of reasons and benefits. An arborist may want to check for root…


Oak Wilt & Sap Beetles

What is Oak Wilt? Oak Wilt is a fungal pathogen that attacks oak trees. The disease disrupts the flow of nutrients from tree roots to the branches and leaves above. The disease spreads two ways: 1. BEETLES: Sap Beetles are very common beetles that are attracted to tree wounds. If someone prunes or cuts an oak…


New Tree Planting

What is the process for planting a tree? Purchasing a tree is a lifelong investment. How well this investment grows depends on the type of tree selected, the planting location, the care provided during planting, and the follow-up care after planting. Please be sure to consult with an ISA Certified Arborist before picking out any…


Fruit & Seed Retardant

Fruit & Seed Retardant It is simply described as birth control for trees. This treatment reduces flowering and fruit/seed set without compromising tree health. Annual applications will substantially reduce cleanup, maintenance labor, and associated costs. We commonly use on ornamental trees with undesirable fruit or seed production that requires ongoing cleanup or causes turf maintenance…


Construction Projects, Damaged Trees

Construction Projects, Damaged Trees Dane county is thriving and development projects are necessary for our future growth. Many, if not most, of these projects have trees on site that add both aesthetic and ecological value to the property… unless of course they are damaged by the construction. Common Damages Include: Compacted Soil Root Damages Soil…


Sphaeropsis Shoot Blight

What is Sphaeropsis Shoot Blight? Sphaeropsis Shoot Blight, formerly known as Diplodia, is a serious disease of many pine species and other conifers. Sphaeropsis kills many on the growing points on branches, which eventually leads to the death of the branches. Austrian Pine is a commonly affected ornamental. What are the symptoms and effects of Sphaeropsis Shoot…
